Is mausoleum entombment more expensive than ground burial?
Not necessarily, when you consider that the entombment fee and engraving are part of our crypt prices. And, without the need for a burial vault or any add-ons, mausoleum entombment is often times less expensive than ground burial.
Do I have to buy my memorial from the cemetery?
No, but most of our families do purchase from us because of our competitive prices and knowledge of our rules and regulations. When you consider that any profits from sales go right back into your cemetery company that has a vested interest in serving your family, why would you purchase anywhere else?
How soon is a memorial or marker required?
We do not require that a grave ever be marked, though nearly all of our graves are.
Is a burial vault required by law?
No, but our rules and regulations require an outer container for all casketed burials. The purpose and intent is to keep the grave from settling and sinking.
What is the advantage of prearrangements?
The advantages are emotional and financial. Emotional from the standpoint that you make the arrangements just the way you want them without death or distress clouding your judgment. Financial because once paid, the prices are locked in and you are guaranteed they will not cost a penny more, no matter how long you live.
How can I pay for my pre-arrangements?
We offer a variety of payment options including short-term no interest financing or long-term financing at a low-interest rate. We also accept Visa and Master Card.
If I make pre-arrangements at the cemetery, will that take care of my casket and funeral home arrangements?
No. We do not sell caskets and do not handle the arrangements that need to be made at your funeral home.
Is perpetual care included or is there an annual maintenance fee?
Virginia law requires we contribute a minimum of 10% of every space, crypt, and niche price to the Perpetual Care Fund. The funds are invested with the intention that when we are “sold out,” income generated off the principal will pay to have staff maintain the cemetery property in perpetuity.
Can I scatter ashes on my family lot?
Ashes, formally referred to as “cremains,” are human remains and are not permitted to be scattered on the ground. (The cremated remains of pets are similarly not permitted to be distributed at gravesites.) We offer several cremation interment options, however.
Can two people be buried in the same grave?
Yes, if soil and terrain conditions allow. Additionally, we allow two cremation urns to be buried in one adult grave.
Can we plant a tree on our family lot?
The cemetery is responsible for all plantings. We do accommodate tree requests, at our expense, if we believe the beauty of the area would be enhanced with a planting, and provided there is sufficient room.
Can we dig our own grave to avoid the charge for opening and closing?
The actual opening of the grave and closing of the grave is just one component of our interment fee. Because of safety issues, which arise around the use of machinery on cemetery property and the protection of property of adjacent interment rights holders, our cemetery grounds personnel conduct the actual opening and closing of the grave. However, if a burial is to be made at Forest Rest Natural Cemetery in Boones Mill, we can work with a family that wishes to prepare the gravesite themselves, under our direction and supervision.
What happens if I buy cemetery property here in advance and later move to another area?
We belong to the International Cemetery Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) credit exchange program, which allows for a dollar-for-dollar transfer of services and merchandise between participating cemeteries.
When I buy a grave, do I receive a deed just like when I purchase other types of real estate?
When you purchase a grave, you are in fact purchasing burial rights in the space, rather than purchasing the grave itself, which remains the property and responsibility of the cemetery.